Welcome: 深圳市伟钰科技有限公司
Language: Chinese ∷  English

Our service advantage

Customer Requirements:
For customer inquiries, complaints, suggestions, and other service requirements, we aim to provide a response in every aspect, ensure that each item is addressed, and provide explanations for everything, to make every customer more satisfied;

Response system:

Accept customer needs as soon as possible, solve problems as quickly as possible, initiate emergency plans in case of emergencies, and ensure that customer systems return to normal as soon as possible.

Quality Supervision System:
In order to ensure service quality, relevant service level agreements shall be formulated, and service provision shall be evaluated through satisfaction surveys, and internal quality supervision shall be carried out.

Maintenance system:
Proactively serve the customer's system, identify and solve system vulnerabilities, optimize system performance (including but not limited to software upgrades and other services).


Contact: (Mr Aaron Chen

Phone: 13076936897(微信同号)

Tel: 0755-2656 1139

Email: sales@wylab.com.cn

Add: 深圳市宝安区甲岸路31号华丰青年创业孵化基地9楼901

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