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dsclabs Test Card

  • Northern Lights
Northern Lights

Northern Lights

Northern Lights®

Front-lit chart with wide gamut rear-lit insert 16:9 o/d 24 x 14.7″

Designed primarily for digital film production
As with any technology, front-lit test systems have limitations. While ideal for setup under diverse lighting conditions and to check consistency between cameras, front lit technology is limited in its ability to reach the extreme levels of saturation and dynamic range demanded by many modern cameras.

For these reasons respectively, DSC has developed the Northern Lights® (a Front- and Rear-Lit System) extended color gamut test system and the Xyla® super high dynamic range test system. Providing the same level of accuracy as DSCs’ front lit products, these charts provide invaluable information regarding your camera’s true level of performance when pushed to the most extreme limits.

NorthernLights combines DSC’s 28 popular ChromaDuMonde colors, with 11 step crossed grayscale, hyperbolic resolution wedges and R,G,B C,M,Y highly saturated colors at the virtual edge of the human visual spectrum.

Northern Lights Features.

  • 28 ChromaDuMonde colors, produce DSC’s familiar and easy to use hexagonal vectorscope display
  • 11 Step patented spectrophotometrically neutral grayscale, enables fast precision adjustment of dynamic range and gammas
  • 18% gray strips top and bottom, provide instant lighting evenness reference
  • Hyperbolic resolution trumpets, for fast check of vertical and horizontal resolution
  • DSC “CaviColor” central rear illuminated color reference, provides an ultra wide R,G,B – C,M,Y color gamut
  • Fast Color matching, hand held controller allows users to make fine adjustments to match rear lit white reference to set lighting
  • Variable speed control, produces sequential vectorscope display of ultra saturated colors

Note: to see these ultra saturated colors requires setting vectorscope gain at 50% of normal electronic color bar.

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