1.Radio Corporation of America(RCA) proposed to define resolution by three parameters, effective amplitude response,asymmetry postulate and MTF index, with measuring the shape of resolution aperture of pick up tube.
2、这张测试图卡由为了得到MTF指数K值设定的斜条纹和为了得到解像度光圈而设定的斜条纹构成。为了得到MTF指数K值设定的斜条纹相当于28~1500TV MTF。
2.This chart consists of sloped fringes to find MTF index ‘K’ and sloped fringes to find resolution aperture. The sloped fringes to find MTF index ‘K’ are equivalent to fringes of 28 to 1500TV MTF.
联系人:陈先生(Mr Aaron Chen )
电话:0755-2656 1139
地址: 深圳市宝安区甲岸路31号华丰青年创业孵化基地9楼901