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  • Ambi-3 照明器
Ambi-3 照明器

Ambi-3 照明器

  • SKU:Ambi 3 CS
  • 品牌:DSC
  • 产品描述:A-3 完整 – Ambi 头、全光谱石英面板、电源和支架
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Ambi-3 照明器

A-3 完整 – Ambi 头、全光谱石英面板、电源和支架


  • 一个独立的全光谱石英灯阵列消除了对外部光源的需要。
  • 新型 Ambi-3 紧凑、便携且独立,可显着减少光泄漏,使其更适合低光(高动态范围)测试。
  • 通过应用 DSC 定制的 Ambi-3 滤光片,改变光温以满足您的需求。
  • 使用易于安装的 Ambi-3 照明面板,在几秒钟内将您的 Ambi-2 升级为新的 Ambi-3。


当您需要出色的光线均匀性和便携性时,Ambi 是您的最佳选择。

Ambi-2 is unique because it makes use of an external light source – either a lamp mounted on its stand, or a dedicated light source matching the key light.  The light is directed at the adjustable mirror on the rear of Ambi, and then transferred through the illuminator’s color-corrected diffuser panel to illuminate the test target.

Known for its incredible light evenness, the Ambi Illuminator is the ultimate companion piece to DSC’s rear lit Combi test charts.

Customize Camera Set-Up to Shooting Conditions

Only Ambi Lets You Customize Camera Set-Up to Shooting Conditions. Because its light source is external, Ambi lets you alternate between  quartz, HMI, fluorescent, daylight and other illuminants.  Used with different lamp types, Ambi provides test transparency illumination that is precisely color-matched to the types of lighting a camera will encounter.  Setting up a camera’s color matrix to several different illuminants, and then using the appropriate stored matrix setting during a shoot, can dramatically improve the visual quality and consistency of your images.
